NTFS direcrtory is a special file that contains names of files and subdirectories. Disk cluster that belongs to a directory is named directory node. Directory node has a slack (space from the end of directory data up to the end of cluster). Slack of the directory node contains names of deleted files, as well as other deleted data. BCWipe can wipe slack space in directories.
BCWipe wipes directory slacks by two ways:
1) by renaming the directory. If the system allows BCWipe to rename all files inside a folder
(there are no locked or write-protected files) then it renames the folder to a temporary name, creates a new folder with old name and moves all files. The disk clusters, where the original directory resided, are wiped completely. The method is very fast and effective.
2) if some file or subdirectory has been locked and BCWipe cannot rename it, BCWipe uses the second way: it creates several new files to overwrite the directory slack by these new names.
This method takes more time.
We were reported some negative effects caused by the fact that BCWipe started to work by renaming, but then the directory became locked. After those reports, we made BCWipe NOT use renaming for Windows and Program Files directories. For those directories BCWipe always uses the second method. This modification was included in BCWipe v6.07.
Later, in v.6.07.3, we also added User profile directories to this list.
For example, there was a problem with Lotus Notes folders.
The application did not lock the folder, so BCWipe was allowed to rename. But later, BCWipe could not rename the directories back. The files remained in a temporary directory named like "C02B4D9". Information about such event is reported in the log file (with the exact directory name).
The following solutions are possible:
1) Use BCWipe option "Use skipped list". This is the list of directories that BCWipe skips during "wipe file slacks" and "wipe directory slacks" operations. By default, Windows and Program Files folders are in this list.
Any other directory can be added. The list can be configured if you enable 'Use skipped list' option and click Edit:
This solution is of type "more safety, less security".
2) Since v., BCWipe checks additional list in Registry.
User may create Multi-String registry value in
Name it 'DisableWipeDirectorySlackByRenamingList'.
The registry flag contains list of directories for which 'Wipe directory slacks' operation will be performed in the second way only (renaming is disabled).
The list supports patterns, i.e. to disable all folders on drive C:, type C:\*.
3) Try to understand why the files were locked, or to be more exact, "half-locked".
Perhaps some background process was running in the background, like backup or defragmenting, or antivirus real-time protection.
Or perhaps some application was opened that locked a file in this directory.