Refer to the attached file to know how the conflict looks like. 

Webroot SecureAnywhere antivirus  monitors BCWipeTM.exe and BCWipe.exe files that causes the software not working. 

We contacted the Webroot company and they  included BCWipeTM.exe file to their database. They promised that the problem won't reappear after BCWipe update.

If you wish, you can read the reply that we got from Webroot SecureAnywhere support team (copied below).

If you are running Webroot, you should update the database and run 'Scan' process.


Reply from Webroot SecureAnywhere:

The files were unknown in our database which was causing Webroot to monitor the
files which made it not function correctly. Webroot was not blocking the
process just monitoring excessively.
This is what led the program to not work correctly.

As they have been marked and are in our database the next time your customer
scans then it will check with our database and stop monitoring the file on your
clients machine.
Once this is done then it should allow the the program to function correctly as
we won't be monitoring it.