You may run BCWipe commands to wipe free space on the disk and delete files or folders with wiping from the command line prompt.

This allows you to insert wiping commands to your batch (*.bat) files and then run the batch file when you wish to run a number of wiping procedures with custom parameters.

BCWipe Setup program installs the program BCWipe.exe to the directory you have chosen during installation.

All the commands of the BCWipe.exe program include the Mode parameter, which describes wiping scheme and can be one of the following:

  • DoD - Seven passes predefined pattern scheme according to US DoD 5220.22-M standard, (default scheme);
  • PG - Peter Gutmann 35-passes predefined pattern scheme;
  • PF[file path name]- Previously created file with custom wiping scheme;
  • PS[scheme name]- User defined wiping scheme, created with Wiping Scheme Editor
  • UD[1..100] - User Defined Number of wiping passes (first passes use complement patterns, the last pass uses random buffer);

Wipe free space

To wipe free space on hard drive partition, run BCWipe.exe with the following parameters:

BCWipe FreeSpace [-Mode] [-Options] [drive name]


  • NoSwapFile - Disable swap file wiping;
  • NoFileSlack - Disable file slack wiping;
  • NoEmptyRecycleBin- Disable emptying Recycle Bin;
  • NoDirEntries - Disable everything: MFT records and Directory Nodes/Entries;
  • NoDirectoryNodeSlack- Disable Directory Entries wiping on FAT and Directory Nodes wiping on NTFS;
  • NoMFTRecords- Disable MFT records wiping;
  • NoNTFSLogFile - Disable NTFS Log File ($Logfile) wiping;
  • NoVerification - Disable disk-level verification;
  • disableSR - Delete Restore Points;
> BCWipe FreeSpace -DoD -NoFileSlack -NoEmptyRecycleBin -NoDirEntries C:

Delete with wiping

To delete files or folders run BCWipe.exe this way:

BCWipe Delete [-Mode] [-Options] [file or folder name or @listFile] [file or folder name]...


  • NoSwapFile - Disable swap file wiping;
  • NoDirEntries - Disable everything: MFT records and Directory Nodes/Entries;
  • NoDirectoryNodeSlack- Disable Directory Entries wiping on FAT and Directory Nodes wiping on NTFS ;
  • NoMFTRecords- Disable MFT records wiping;
  • NoNTFSLogFile - Disable NTFS Log File ($Logfile) wiping;
  • NoVerification - Disable disk-level verification;
  • disableSR - Delete Restore Points;
  • View- Start BCView after wiping file contents and before final deleting the file.
  • @listFile- Text file where every file name starts from a new line.

> BCWipe Delete -PG -NoSwapFile -NoDirEntries -View C:\SecureData.doc
> BCWipe Delete C:\Test 

will delete ALL FILES IN THE FOLDER , and REMOVE THE FOLDER ITSELF! Compare the command with the following one:

> BCWipe Delete C:\Test\*.* 
In the last example BCWipe deletes files inside the Test folder, but does not delete the folder.

Swap file wiping

To wipe the swap file, run BCWipe.exe with the following parameters:

BCWipe WipeSwapFile [-Mode]

> BCWipe WipeSwapFile -UD1 

File slacks wiping

To run BCWipe for wiping file slacks, run BCWipe.exe with the following parameters:

BCWipe.exe FileSlack [-Mode] [-Options] [file or folder name or @listFile] [file or folder name]...


  • View- Start BCView twice before and after file slack wiping.
  • @listFile- Text file where every file name starts from a new line.
> BCWipe FileSlack -UD3 -View C:\Test.txt 

Note that when you run BCWipe.exe with the FileSlack parameter, the program does not shred the file itself, it only wipes slack of the file. Neither contents of the file, nor its attributes become changed.

ATTENTION: the BCWipe.exe utility works without asking any additional confirmation for deleting files and for wiping free space on the disk. The program is designed so to provide a silent functionality when you run it from batch files.

Common options:

  • -Hidden - run the wiping process in background, not reports to the screen, no interaction with the user;
  • -SuperHidden - same as previous, but it also hides the wiping progress bar;
  • -ExtendedErrorCodes - activates extended error code mapping;
  • -LF [log file name]- assigns log file for wiping process, use quote for names containing spaces.
  • -LS[size in KBytes]- allows size limitation for the log file.
  • -ErrorLoggingOnly - only log strings containing ‘Error’;
  • -ForceAPI- if all options are disabled, BCWipe won't load DefragAPI module. This flag forces BCWipe to load it anyway. It may be required to properly wipe encrypted/compressed files;
> BCWipe Delete -Hidden -LF "C:\BCWipe.log" –LS200 C:\Test\*.*

Error codes

Normal error codes:

RES_OK = 0,
RES_InitError = 1,
RES_Cancelled = 2,
RES_ErrorRegistration = 3,
RES_FileDoesNotExist = 4,
RES_InvalidArgument = 5,
RES_WDL_NoSuchFunction = 6,
RES_ErrorIsReported = 7

Extended error codes:

#define ef_fileBody 0x00010000
#define ef_fileSlack 0x00020000
#define ef_directorySlack 0x00040000
#define ef_MFT 0x00080000
#define ef_NTFS_LogFile 0x00100000
#define ef_restorePoint 0x00200000
#define ef_wipeSwapFile 0x00400000
#define ef_recycleBin 0x00800000
#define ef_fileDoesNotExist 0x01000000
#define ef_fileIsLocked 0x02000000
#define ef_errorInProcessingTemporaryDirectory 0x04000000
#define ef_access_denied 0x08000000
#define ef_MTFSlack 0x10000000