File signature is invalid!
Path 'c:\Program files\Jetico\Shared\BCWipe.dll'
Wintrust API Status : 0x800B010A
The problem is related to Windows Root Certificate that was used to sign our Jetico certificate and that should be included in the list of certificates approved by Microsoft. Normally this list of trusted certificates is automatically updated through the Windows Update.
Apparently, this Root Certificate is not trusted on your system. If the computer is not connected to the Internet, it is likely that the system does not contain the latest updates. So the simplest solution is to install all Windows Updates.
If the computer cannot be connected to the Internet, the update must be downloaded to another machine and installed on this computer manually.
Alternatively, you can simply install the certificate.
The certificate name is: DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1
You can find it on Digicert website:
Here is a direct link:
Please download the .crt file and install the certificate using the 'Install certificate' command in right-click menu.
On old Windows XP (before SP3) and 2003 server BCWipe.dll signature is not accepted. Because Digicert certificate uses signature algorithm SHA2 that is not supported on old systems. - hotfix download available.
Since December, 2016, BCWipe does not check signature of BCWipe.dll on old OS (v6.09.4)