To try to restore the volume structure  you have to write XXX bytes from file "disk_X_sector_XXXXXX.bin" attached to the e-mail to sector number XXXXXXX on  your physical disk. [Download the file and save it to the WinPE USB.]

When in WinPE, in BCVE program please select disk 0 (if it's still the disk that contains volume C:) (click disk X on the left of the volumes) and run "View/Save/Restore Sector on Physical Disk" command from "Sectors" menu.

In the window opened click "Restore sectors", press "Browse" button and browse for file "disk_X_sector_XXXXXX.bin".

Enter number XXXXXXXXX to "Start sector" edit box, X to "Number of sectors"  and click "Start restoring" button.

Reboot and try to mount the volume.